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Mobil 1 Motorsport Formula 10W-60 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil (4L, 2x4L, 4x4L Lit

Mobil 1 Motorsport Formula 10W-60 Advanced Fully Synthetic Engine Oil


Product description

Mobil 1 is the world's leading synthetic motor oil brand offering our superior performance and protection. Mobil 1 10W-60 Advanced Fully Synthetic Engine Oil has been formulated for the special needs of older vehicles exceeding 150,000 km. Mobil 1 10W-60 is also suitable for high performance and motorsport applications that require a high viscosity engine oil.  Features and Potential Benefits Mobil 1 10W - 60 Advanced Fully Synthetic Engine Oil is formulated with a proprietary blend of ultra-high performance synthetic base oils fortified with a precisely balanced component additive system. Mobil 1 10W-60 is designed to help provide long-term protection in engines with high mileage, for the longevity of your vehicle. Contains extra seal feeders to help prevent oil leaks Provides exceptional cleanliness and removes existing deposits Superior/excellent oil film thickness for extra protection on older engines High viscosity to help reduce oil burn from older engines More anti-wear additives to help protect worn engines High performance base oils for excellent all-round wear protection  Uses Mobil 1 10W-60 helps provide the extra protection older engines can demand. Suitable for the oldest vehicles, including Gasoline and Diesel (Without Diesel Particulate Filter) engines. Older vehicles Almost all operating conditions from mild to extreme Ideal product for racing applications Always consult your owner's manual to check the recommended viscosity class and specifications for your vehicle.  


Specifications and Approvals

Mobil 1 10W-60 meets or exceeds the following requirements:  






ACEA A3/B4-16


Mobil 1 10W-60 has the following manufacturer approvals:  

According to VW 501 01 / 505 00X MB-Approval 229.1X  ExxonMobil, Mobil 1 10W-60 is in the following quality level:  API CF *API_ccde78/SMX -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Typical



Mobil 1 10W-60Value Viscosity, cSt (ASTM D445)  @ 40º C152.7 @ 100º C22,7 Viscosity Index178 Sulphated Ash, Weight % (ASTM D874)1.4 Phosphorus, wt% ( ASTM D4951)0.13 Flash Point, ºC (ASTM D92)234 Density @ 15.6 ºC g/ml (ASTM D4052)0.86 Total Base Number (ASTM D2896)11.8 MRV, -30 ºC, cP (ASTM D4684)25,762 HTHS Viscosity, mPa•s @ 150 ºC (ASTM D4683)5.7  

Health and SafetyIn the light of available information; This product is not expected to cause adverse effects on human health when used where it is intended and the recommendations provided in the Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDSs can be provided to customers on request from the main distributor or via the Internet or by the vendor in accordance with the law. This product should not be used for any other purpose. Be careful about environmental protection when disposing of used products. Unless otherwise noted, all trademarks used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries.

Mobil 1 Motorsport Formula 10W-60 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil (4L, 2x4L, 4x4L Lit

PriceFrom ₺788.00
Sales Tax Included
  • API SN

    API SM

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    API SJ

    ACEA A3

    ACEA B3

    ACEA B4-16

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